Laugh in the Moment

To the strangers in Costco who stared at me, holding my four year old while she screamed profusely, as I walked out of the bathroom and to my vehicle:

Be assured that she was disciplined afterwards, and the smiles I shot your way were my attempt to stay calm. I did indeed know my child was misbehaving, and it was indeed dealt with.

To the lady in the pet store the other day who watched me haul my, again, four year old out of the store with a bleeding lip:

Be assured I did not cause my child to bleed on purpose, even though she was misbehaving. I did, however, bump her lip while successfully untangling her long hair from the inside of a covered cat litter box that she stuck her head in while not listening to my instructions to sit still.

To anyone else who has, or may in the future, witness my four year old, or six year old, misbehaving at some point (because the likeliness is extremely high):

I am a stay at home mother who homeschools her children and very rarely gets a break. I do not entertain the options that may be thought to be available to me because homeschooling my children is my top priority and although it can be extremely difficult at times, it is also one of the greatest joys in my life. I have a four year old who tests every limit she is given, and a very active six year old boy. And, sometimes it seems they are more than I can take. But, I have a big God and He sees me through and gives me the strength and grace I need each day.

If you see me at one of those bad moments, please be assured that the GREAT moments do in fact out way the bad. Do not judge me, do not stare or whisper or glare. I know my kids aren't perfect, I know I am not perfect. But nobody is.

To my friend who encouraged me to blog my little mishaps:

Thank you. You are right; blogging them somehow lets me, too, see the humour in these moments after the fact.

Motherhood is tough. But, I learn each day what worked, what didn't. And what worked today may no longer be the solution to tomorrows' problem. And, I will have to learn all over again. But, I can embrace each moment, good or bad, and try to remember to laugh later if I can't find it in me to laugh in the moment...


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