Jo is One!

One year ago, I gave birth to an amazing little boy. His birth story is pretty great, and so is the story of how he came to be! 

If you don't know those stories, ask me sometime!

Here is my little cowboy...

My little miracle baby turned one on Tuesday! We had over 30 people packed into our little house on Saturday (thankfully the rain cleared and we could send the kids outside) for Joseph's celebration! We had a cake smash which was a blast!

One of my best friends made his giant cupcake, another took the photos, so fun!

I can't believe he is one already! Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for this little man and think about how amazing it is that he's here. We are so blessed!

These two are best buds, and born in he same bath tub!!

Wow, that year went fast!

This little boy has blessed us all in so many ways and I am so thankful to be his mama!


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