Term 2 Reports!!

Well, another term has come to an end. Already? Wow, this year is flying by!
I've decided to blog this term's report. So, if you're reading this, bear with me; it may not be an exciting post! Unless you're a homeschool mom...in that case, you may find the joy in my end of term reporting!

The kids have been plugging away in their skill sharpeners spelling books as well as doing many other writing assignments. They've been focusing on nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Benjamin's spelling...

Here is a writing assignment Ben did at Christmas. It's not always easy to get him to write so we are always looking for ways of making it fun!

Both kids really enjoyed this assignment...

Benjamin has also been working on handwriting...

Here is Rachel's spelling book...

Some creative writing...


Benjamin has been working on his multiplication tables. In addition to Singapore math, he has also been working on some worksheets from education.com to master the facts.

Rachel has been working on a few things, mostly out of book as well. She's been working on place value...


And some beginners multiplication and addition with carrying...


When teaching two different grades, it's always nice when a subject's topics collide and we can combine our lessons. Benjamin is working on weather, while Rachel is working on properties of matter as well as water, soil, and air. A lot of these lessons are running into one another so we are studying them all together. Here are a few books we have looked at so far:

Benjamin has been learning about clouds: how they form, how they tell us tell the weather, the different types of clouds and what they mean.

Rachel has been working on the water cycle and the forms of water: solid, liquid, and gas.

The kids made this water cycle, Ben's is on the top and Rachel's is on the bottom

Social Studies:

This is another subject we do together. This term we have not spent a lot of time with this subject. The kids did a really great social studies class last term and we've sort of kept it light in this are this time around. Here are some things we've worked on this term:




The kids attend Sunday school regularly, except when dad is working. On those Sunday's, mom does her best to get us there sometimes, but life with a toddler is proving to make it difficult. The kids did their Sunday school class on stage at Christmas and showed us all the scripture they had been working on in class, complete with actions, and it was really great to see how much they had learned.

The kids are using A Reason For Handwriting for Bible/ writing this year and are learning a new scripture each week.



Ben is also reading from this devotional to us daily...

Health and Career:

Here is a subject that we've been relying solely on discussion and experience to fulfil. There is definitely  no lack of either in this house. The kids regularly participate in discussions on things such as money management, time management, inappropriate /appropriate behaviour /attitudes, the importance of obedience, relationships with friends and family, bullying, how to deal with difficult situations, safety, etc. We also strive to prepare the kids with life skills which often takes the form of chores such as helping with laundry, doing dishes, bringing in wood, helping with their baby brother, and tidying the house. 

Benjamin has been working with his dad on a car with his mechano set...

And of course the kids love learning/ helping with cooking and baking...

Another big one around here is working on working together; getting along, especially while doing something like a board game, is a skill we work on daily.



Fine Arts:

Both kids have been doing a lot of drawing. Today they designed their own writing folder and I was really surprised how much they really enjoyed making them. There is always something artistic going on around here.

The kids did a lot of crafting and card making at Christmas time as well.

The kids performed "Away in a Manger" on stage at church at Christmas with some friends in addition to performing with the whole Sunday school class, it was so great!

The kids were both a part of a choir last term, so this was an awesome opportunity to use what they had learned!

Rachel continues in her third year of ballet, and I always hear nothing but great things from her ballet teacher. Rachel strives to excel in this area and practices daily when not in class.

We've also been putting YouTube videos on, like "how to draw" something and then the kids draw, like a little art lesson. We've even put on some beginners drum lessons that the kids watch while playing along on our little drum set.


The kids participate in an hour and a half of soccer each week, and the beautiful weather has meant a lot of outdoor play this winter! We've also been taking a lot of walks as well.

We even made it to the park this week!

It's been a great term! We've been getting a lot accomplished. Well, as much as we can with an active little toddler running around 😊



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