Baby Jo

Look at this kid!! This boy is the sweetest, funniest, most adorable little baby boy and we just love him to bits!

He has changed our world, for sure. Is it always easy? Most certainly not! I knew having a baby was going to change things for this family. I didn't know to what extent, but I knew it would come with challenges. This boy is so attached to me that it can get very tiring. He is about to turn 18 months old, and I'm still nursing him and loving it! With no plans to stop soon, both he and I are enjoying the cuddling and bonding that comes with extended nursing. He nurses through the night still and we are still bed sharing. 

This, combined with a baby that doesn't want me out of his sight even to let me go to the bathroom, is difficult at times. And, he doesn't like me teaching the kids school so that's quite a challenge for sure. I can't go out in the evening without worrying about him falling asleep on the way home and then being up late because he's had a cat nap in the vehicle. It's hard for me to get away for a break these days, and friends don't see a whole lot of me either. But, it's so worth it!

I mean, look at this face!

There's a lot of baby wearing involved to function these days...

There are so many things right now that are so difficult, but I wouldn't change it for anything! He has been such a joy and it makes all of that tough stuff so much easier. He is turning into such an amazing little boy with an amazing personality that we just can't get enough of! 

If I would never have had him, I would be a mother of two independent children, a 9 year old and 7 1/2 year old, and I would have a lot more freedom. I'd be able to take breaks, go out with friends, and even go to the bathroom without either taking in a toddler who will get into everything or listening to him cry at the gate for his mama. BUT, I wouldn't be able to lay next to this little boy every night, to be awaken by him in the middle of the night and snuggle him close, to watch him grow and learn, to hear him call me mama, to see the mischief in his eyes...sure, my life would be easier, but with him there is never a dull moment! And I'm just so thankful God gave us this little man <3

When God put it on our hearts to have another baby, He never promised us it would be easy. Infact, I remember Him telling me it would take me out of my comfort zone and challenge me. We fought it for nearly two years for that very reason, not wanting to disturb our comfortable life with sow thing (or rather someone) who was going to rock the boat. But once we got past trying to talk ourselves out of it, we realized that sow times the boat needs to be rocked. And, if you listen to what God is telling you, in the end you'll find out what it is He's trying to bless you with. I'm so glad we got to find out!!!



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