God is GOOD!

Today, we took the kids quading out in the bush...so fun! The kids had a blast, and I am SOOO worn out! We came home and had hot chocolate and built a fire. Then we had a hotdog and marshmallow roast. Who needs camping when you live out here! I am so glad to be home after spending nearly a month and half away (miss you mom:) and trying to get back into the swing of things. Enjoying the simplicity of life out here; well, it would be a whole lot simpler if we were not smack dab in the middle of major house renos!! But, seriously, I love it here. The kids are fast asleep and it is not even 8:00! They were so tierd after their big day.

God is so good! He has blessed me in ways that I could not have ever imagined. Days like today remind me of that even more. He has brought us so far, and has done so much, and I know I could never repay Him. I owe Him MY life for giving HIS, and I want to spend the rest of my days TRYING to make it up to Him, even though nothing I could ever do could ever compare to what He has done for me.

I know that life can be tough, and things are not always perfect. And, I am so thankful that His grace is sufficient and His mercies are new every morning. I am grateful for second chances, new beginnings, hope for tomorrow and a forgiving Father who waits for me with open arms. I am blessed with a husband who loves ALL of me, 2 beautiful children who amaze me everyday, a place to call home, and a God who is bigger than any mistake, any trial, any hurt, any judgemental glance, pain or suffering; my God is bigger, He IS greater, than anything the devil TRIES to throw my way. And, by the GRACE of God, I AM ready!


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