A letter to Jo

My dearest Joseph,

You are 9 weeks old now- such a short amount of time on this earth yet you have impacted the lives of so many. Not just the lives of those within the walls of this home, but you have touched the hearts of many more. Your life is a testimony of God's greatness. It is proof that miracles do happen. It shows the importance of one simple act of obedience. Your smile is infectious. Your laugh, it's amazing. You have such a sweet and gentle spirit that we can already see and you amaze us daily. I look at you and wonder-what if I would have not listened? What if we ignored that still small voice? I am just so thankful that we do not need to find out the answer to those questions.

Each night you lay in my bed beside me-it's like we get to have a sleepover every night, a party no one else is invited to. You lay across my chest and stare into my eyes in awe and I breath you in. I am amazed you are mine. The love in your eyes as you look into my soul makes me weep and I hold on a little tighter. I love you, all that you are and all you will be. I am so thankful you are here my sweet boy. Mama loves you.


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