
Here is a look into school these days...

We are studying the sun...

As well as seasons...

Here is our sun dial...

We talked about why we need the sun, difference between the daytime and night time sky, why the seasons change, etc.

The kids did some fun pilgrim play at the museum last week!!

Here they are playing an animal sounds bingo game...

We have been studying measurement in math. The kids had fun estimating the length and width of objects with fruit by the foot snacks!! And then measuring with their new rulers. The best part? Eating the sugar filled treat ;)

They also got to do some measurement with measuring cups and measuring spoons, and baked 

The kids also set up a store and have been having lots of fun with play money...

We headed to some friends' house for some PE: rollerblading and scooter riding, so fun!!

Rachel finally got her gi at Ninjitsu!!

The kids have been enjoying lots of sledding, play dates, and snow play this week!!

Ben started his second chapter book!! He is reading so well!!

And we started reading this book together...

The kids have been memorizing Phillipians 4;6-7, and we are reading devotional on the Ten Commandments. 

We've been getting a lot done this week, and looking forward to some fun projects :)


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