School Report

We are off of school for Christmas break! I decided to take an early leave since we have covered so much in such a small amount of time.
We are almost finished Charlotte's Web; 2 chapters to go! I told the kids I have a surprise for them when we are done the book...I bought the movie for them to watch!
Benjamin started subtraction in math and is doing really well with it. He catches on so quickly!
We did a little science "experiment" last week when we were studying the 3 states of matter...
We took ice (solid)...
We melted it in the microwave to make water (liquid)...

Then we made it into steam in the kettle (gas)...


Then, we learned a little song
We moved on from community workers in social and did technology in the home. We finished this book which was great!
But, we went back to community workers for a day with a trip to the dentist...end result: NO CAVITIES!!

Community workers has been an ongoing topic in our home since we started studying it. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing the kids are quick to point out the different workers and jobs around our community.
We have been doing a lot of Christmas and winter time crafts, and getting excited about Christmas! And, with the massive amount of snow we have aquired up here in the mountains over the past couple of days, the kids have taken full advantage and been outside every chance they get :)


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