What Do I Need

I have lived with a lot, and I have lived with little...

I have gone without, and I have lacked no good thing...

I have been in need, and I have needed nothing...

There have been times in my life where I have lived with an excessive amount of what I thought I "needed", but turned up empty anyway. I have also been to the place of struggles and hardships. I have seen days of want; of striving for something I thought was important. I have lived with a lot, and I have lived with little.

But, what do I need? I have had the big fancy house; I live in a house in the woods. I have had a brand new car; I drive a beat up mini van. I have had all the brand new, beautiful modern furniture; I bought my couch off of Kijiji. I have been there, done that. And, I hope I have learned. But, what am I teaching my children? I hope that I have indeed learned from my own mistakes; I hope that having "it" all, and still feeling like I have nothing, has taught me about what it is that I, myself, really do in fact need. But, am I teaching my kids the same? Am I showing them what is really important in life? Or am I, not knowingly or, at times, knowingly teaching them the art of instant gratification? I hope not. But, still, I know I need to make more of a conscience effort to teach them true needs; the need for family, for relationships, for the love of a God who fulfills all our needs. So that they can know that whether or not they have "it" all,  they can be sure they truly have it all. That they can be certain that with either a little or a lot, they are truly fulfilled. That their satisfaction is measured not by the size of their house or the make of their clothing or the year of their car.

 I hope I am living this out. But, when I am not, Lord, please help me to do so...


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