Are you comfortable?

Are you comfortable? I know I am...yesterday I was at Costco and I saw this $90 doll house. The kind of dollhouse I wish I would have had, you know? I wanted desperately to buy it for Rachel, even though she absolutely does not need it. This morning, I saw things differently. There are so many needs in this world. And, yet, we have none...

So, I ask again, are you comfortable? I am very comfortable...comfortable with my life, my family...MY needs are met. And, yet I feel God tugging at my heart, asking me to be UNcomfortable...for Him. To step into the unknown, where everything seems uncertain. I don't know if I can do it. I KNOW I can't...not without Him. How do you take that leap into a world you can't understand? How do you step out of the comfort and into a place that terrifies you? I don't know. But, I DO know that God's plans are greater than mine. And, I need Him to direct my path.

Are YOU ready to get up and get UNcomfortable? What is He asking YOU to do?


  1. I am uncomfortably comfortable! It may be to much coffee... but I feel like I am being pulled to do something... There is a profile on BC Waiting Children that I am so drawn to... It feels like there is so much going on... house... and well I guess that's it... house... I don't want to let my house obsession get in the way of loving others... I have prayed to love those in front of me... even if they are on my computer screen...(sorry for my blog post on your blog).

  2. I know what u mean...for me, I am just so comfortable with the way things are and am afraid of change...


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