The Thankful Coat
Life is good. I am so blessed, really, in so many ways that if I were to sit down in a quiet moment to gather each of them it would be too overwhelming to process. Today we read a story called "The Thankful Coat", about a boy who has everything but still is not happy. Sounds like a lot of people, including me from time to time. In the end the boy discovers the secret to happiness: Thankfullness. A simple story with a simple message, but so unbelievably true. Why over complicate it, right? I mean, that is the key, isn't it?
I have an amazing husband who really would do anything for me. I have two beautiful, smart, funny, energetic, healthy children. I have a beautiful home built just for me by the most talented man I know in my own little peaceful haven on Paradise Rd :) I have an amazing mom, amazing friends, and I have a God who is MORE than enough.
Is life perfect? Ummm...absolutley not!! But, I don't want perfect. I want this life; I want the chance to make mistakes, get back up, shake it off and move on hoping and praying for the wisdom to learn from my mistakes and thanking God for His grace which He freely gives. I don't have to be perfect because He IS. His power is made perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). I AM weak, but He IS strong, and through Him all things are possible!
This Thanksgiving, yes, be grateful for God's provision, for your family and friends, for all He has done; but, also be thankful for who He made you. Be thankful for your weakness because when you are weak, then you are strong! Be thankful for mistakes-past, present, and future because that is how you learn. Don't be ashamed that you messed up or that you aren't perfect. God does not call us to be perfect. Use your mistakes and imperfections to help others. Be thankful that God loves you and as many mistakes as we do make, God does NOT make mistakes and He created YOU...
Happy Thanksgiving!
After reading the story we drew a picture of our own "thankful coat" and pretended to put them on :)
Then, we did come thankful fall wreaths and some hands & feet turkeys, and read a bit about the first Thanksgiving :)
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